Archive for January, 2019

Don’t Be So Quick to Give Up – Jacqui Showers

Showers’ Blessing Inspires

Encouraging you to become all God envisioned so you can experience what God S.A.W.W. (Spiritual Abundance Wholeness & Wealth).


Even when I tried to give up, I couldn’t. I tried, but I kept pushing forward and encouraging myself. Sometimes it appeared as though I was so exhausted I was going to drop. But I knew I had to keep forging ahead. If you have ever had to do anything, you know what I’m talking about. You know that it is not by your might or power, but by God’s spirit that propels you forward against all odds.

That’s why giving up can never be an option. You will do whatever it takes to persevere. You must recognize those things that will cause you to want to give up. There has to be something that loosens you from the grips of mediocrity, complacency and passiveness to become diligent, assertive and passionate in your pursuit to go all the way.

I push myself hard. I recognize that I can be consumed with perfectionism and never accomplish what I need to accomplish. I recognize it. There was a time when I didn’t want to recognize that it was a limitation that prevented me from being successful. Now, I confront it head on by calling it out and proactively operating with a spirit of excellence. How? I don’t have to have everything perfect—even if there was such a thing as perfection.

Excellence provides me with an understanding that everything is a work in progress and along the way I can always go back and perfect it. I cannot give up on it. Howbeit, when excellence is at the forefront of my game, I push myself hard. I know that I am not operating within the finiteness of my own strength. That means, if I pull all-nighters and only get a few hours of sleep within a 48-72 hour period, so be it. It’s all worth it!

You must be relentless in your assignment. Recognize those familiar foes that try to creep back into your life and cause you to stumble, fall and never get back up. Recognize new ones that try to blind sight you to give up. When you embrace the reality that every assignment given you has its own set of destiny busters, you will also be alert to their antics and thwart their assignment against your assignment. You won’t be so quick to give up.

Do you easily cave in when the going gets tough? What is causing you to give up? What are you going to do not to give up?

#donotgiveup #showersblessing


by Minister Jacqui Showers

PRAYER FOR SUCCESS Dec 14In “360-degree”

PRAYER FOR SUCCESS Jan 2In “360-degree”

PRAYER FOR SUCCESS Dec 31In “360-degree”

Posted on January 30, 2019, in achieve, Believe, Boldness, confidence, courage, dream, encouragement, faith, Fear, freedom, passion, peace, success, Uncategorized and tagged 2015, aspire, business, coaching, Connect-with-me-The-ME-Place, dream, dreams, encourage, encouragement, excellence, excellence-in-service, I-have-a-dream, Inspiration, jacqui-showers, Martin-Luther-King-Jr, Mentor-Empowerment-Institute, new years, plan, resolutions, Showers-Blessing’, Spiritual, time, transformed-mind. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.






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I’ve Got To Write Virtual Blog Tour Jan 2-15, 2019


Hello! This is one of my tour stops during my two week book tour for I’ve Got To Write by
Norma McLauchin. This virtual book tour is organized by
Write Now Literary Book Tours
This tour runs Jan 2-15, 2019. Book your own tour here
ISBN-13: 978-1732236646
Book Title: I’ve Got To Write! It’s Like Fire Shut Up In My Bones!
Genre: Inspirational
                          Meet Norma
Norma McLauchlin is your Spiritual Growth & Journaling
Coach, Founder of New Life Ministries, Lady LifersTM
Women’s Conferences, Chosen Pen Publishing, the Free to
ChooseTM book series, co-pastor of New Life Bible Church
and New Life Christian Academy. Norma McLauchlin,
fondly known as “First Lady” in and around her community,
inspires women to embrace spiritual change and live more
fulfilling lives. Speaking from the heart of her own
experiences as a wife, mother, co-pastor, and administrator. First Lady has the unique ability to
connect with women from all walks of life.
First Lady has accepted the call to help women develop their self-esteem and self-worth.
Chosen Pen Publishing and Free to Choose books are just two of the vehicles she uses to
encourage women to access the tools necessary to bring about the transformation that will
help them realize their potential.
About The Book
Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV) But if I will not mention his word or
speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a
fire shut up in my bones.
It’s Like Fire Shut Up in My Bones is a compilation of
smoldering, heartfelt stories of love, compassion,
forgiveness, and amazement inspired and told by members
of the Chosen Pen Writers Group. For many of our authors,
this is their first published work. Yet, the passion and resolve
in bringing to light a story that was burning on their hearts
can be found on the printed pages inside.
Connect Socially
Purchase copy:
Amazon paperback link:
Tour hosted by Write Now Literary

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