
The Election 2016, November 8,  2016  is 10 days away! So Pray and vote!

Many hearts have been troubled, angered and disappointed with all that we have seen and heard this election year. Yet you must not let the enemy deter you from voting. God established government. He told us to pray for those in authority, 1 Timothy 2:2 and arguably to pray for those who seek  to rule over you. Pray and vote. Trust in the Lord and seek his wisdom and discernment for whom to cast your vote . Pray then vote.  Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” –John 14:1


Pray that people will vote with integrity and wisdom devoid of racism.
Pray that the attempts at election fraud or to stop minorities from voting by political schemes is thwarted and void.
Pray for divine order.

Pray for wisdom to vote for those who will provide a just government and not a government that exists to serve and profit itself.

Pray for salvation for our leaders.


Cry Out!

Remember we are God’s ambassador’s and we should take righteous action to carry out His purposes in the earth for the protection of the  poor, oppressed and hurting. God is concerned about government and nations, especially as they relate to issues of justice and oppression of their own people and obeying His Word.  We as a nation, even the church or the body of Christ have allowed our prejudices, racism and hatreds to divide us. We have tolerated and justified unjust and evil conduct from government and business leaders, and even in the church!

Therefore, we need to ask God to forgive us! Pray that instead of judgment that He will pour out His mercy.  Cry out for the Lord and pray for a spirit repentance to come upon the church and this nation, and for health and healing. Ask God as His ambassador what he would have you to do after you have prayed and voted. As His ambassadors, we must believe God ‘s Word.  “‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” –Jeremiah 33:6 We need the healing that only God can provide.

Get out and vote.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader.
