Posts Tagged victory

Marvelous Miraculous Monday

On this Marvelous Miraculous Manifestation Monday, praise God for His unfathomable love for you!What is your expectation for this week, month , and year? Think Big. Do Big. Think Victory! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits.

This is the year of victory for you. Praise Him for the fact that you are still here and looking forward to GREATER in 2020!! Greater works. Move Forward in 2020. Pursue. Overtake. Expect Victory 1Corn 15:57. Expect Greater. Pray Big. Eph. 3:20.

Even if things are not what you want for now, shout for joy with Praise now, because you have a God that can “work it out” by working all things –good ,bad and ugly together for your good (Rom. 8:28-30) if you believe. God is amazing and can “ fix it”, bring you through ,will never leave you ,will help see you through and He listens and answers prayer.

Believe and obey His Word. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Keep praying, pressing forth and pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart. Don’t be afraid to shine with love and the spirit of excellence.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader”,

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Victory Doesn’t Happen By Accident


DAY 15 – February 24th – Victory Doesn’t Happen By Accident

Scriptures: Psalm 20; Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Victory does not happen by accident.”

Victory can only happen with tenacious training, scrupulous strategy and persistent practice. We do not stumble into victory, we battle our way to victory. “You want to be a prayer warrior. Declare it and then do the necessary workpray-fight-win. We are warriors, prayer warriors—the most lethal and feared warriors in God’s army. Satan shutters when we start to pray; he flees as the name of Jesus rolls off our lips.

If you want victory to come to your life, your church, your family, your community and nation then you have to be deliberate in prayer. Prayer is a habit, not happenstance. There is no such thing as a coincidence.

Write down the answers to the following questions: What does victory look like? Where do you need to advance and from which direction? Who is your enemy and how does your enemy fight? How will you know when the battle is won—when the prayer is answered?

You have already identified 1–3 areas that need a prayer strategy; now write down your specific requests, characteristics, changes, etc. that will define what “victory” will look like in each of those areas. God may change your heart or definition of success along the way, but as you pour out the desires of your heart for the areas that need God’s triumphal touch, and write down what victory looks like so you will know when it is time to celebrate (Ps. 20). *(Kathy Branzell)

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  • Pray to God about the areas in which you struggle and in which you need to have victory.
  • Pray for women and children to be delivered from the evils of human trafficking.
  • Pray for the elderly for their protection for elderly abuse and health.
  • Pray for care givers for rest and their health as they care for others.
  • For unity among churches and that there will be an increase in participation of true corporate prayer and seek to gather together for corporate prayer as well as to open our mouths to praise and pray to the Lord in unity.
  • For a fresh passion for worship among the believers and that the walls of division created by   denominations, personal preferences and styles which do not honor God be torn down.
    • Fathers: that fathers will look to God as the ultimate spiritual head of their household, serving and caring for their families; that God will instill a vision for wholesome, supportive fatherhood among the fathers of the city. Pray that absentee fathers would change their lifestyles to nurture their wives and children. Pray that children will see the character of the heavenly Father in the lives of their dads.


Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over twenty prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa. She served on the prayer team of a medical mission trip to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She also serves as the Prayer Leader for her church’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry.


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Rise Spiritually in a Lifestyle of Prayer :Day 38-39

49 days index

On this 38th day of this 40 Day Prayer Journey we thank the Lord for your perseverance. I pray that you rise spiritually to grow in the study of the Word and in a consistent lifestyle of prayer with fervency, power and love. You can have victory as Day 39 indicates.
Examine your heart and mind. Pray:
Dear LORD, do I really accept Your Word and live according to it regardless of circumstances, or do I only hold onto it as long as it is easy, convenient, or profitable? Do I pray for daily intimacy with you or do I run to you as a last resort ? Do whatever You need to do in me, for me, with me, or through me–even in spite of me–to make it so that I obey your Word and that I pray without ceasing 1 Thess 5:17. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


DAY 38 – March 27 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Increasing Our Personal and Corporate Prayer Life
David: Finding Renewal through Confession
Scriptures: Psalm 51:7-10 (For background to this confession, read 2 Samuel 11-12)

• Praise God for His mercy. Mercy means that God does not treat us as we deserve.
• Thank God for conviction or “good guilt” that drives us into the arms of His forgiving love when we confess.
• Confess any wrong you are aware of that remains unconfessed. Repent.
• Ask for a clean heart, a renewed life and a steadfast spirit.
• Pray that God will give the church sensitivity to sin and a readiness to confess when and if that is needed.
• Thank God for His unspeakable gift. JESUS. 2 Corinthians 9:15
• Pray for God’s people to stand still and hear His voice.
• Pray for those who have lost a love one and the loved one didn’t know Christ.

Spiritual Rise Check Up– Write responses in a journal or notebook
Do you specifically confess your sin to God? Think of a time when sin hampered your relationship with God. What did you do to restore the relationship?

Spiritual Rise Act Meditate on Psalm 51. Let the Spirit teach you important things about confession and restoration from the verses. Write a prayer of confession to the Lord.

DAY 39 – March 28 Seeking to Rise Spiritually by Increasing Our Personal And Corporate Prayer Life
Jehoshaphat : Victory Through Prayer
Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 20: 6, 12 ( Read the story of this victory in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30)

• Praise God for the power and might that are in his hands, and that no one can withstand Him.
• Thank God for his readiness to hear prayer and to deliver those who trust in Him.
• Confess if there is little praise in your prayer. Confess that you have neglected the praise that is important to Him.
• Ask God for a praising heart.
• Pray that the family, which God founded, facing major enemies rallied by the evil one, may be delivered and broken relationships healed. Pray that God will confuse the enemy and cause them to self-destruct or repent.
• Pray that you are growing in your spiritual walk to please God, and that you will continue to pursue your walk, and not go backward, but always forward.
• Pray that you will have favor and good understanding with God first and then with men and women. Proverb 3:4
• Pray for outbreaks of praise to God from the people in our city as they see new displays of Christ’s power.

Spiritual Rise Check Up- Write responses in a journal or notebook
Do you spend time praising God by identifying His attributes?

Spiritual Rise ActDedicate an extended time to praise this week. Meditate on passages like 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 and Psalm 145: 1-7. Write out your own prayer of praise. Adopt the rule of no asking or supplication for the first five to seven minutes of your prayer time.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader” serves as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Missions Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle she has lead over a dozen prayer boot camps, and has lead prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa and was on the prayer team of a medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough. She is also a member of the National Church Prayer Leaders Network and serves as the Prayer Leader of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of her church

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