The month of October is Pastor Appreciation Month where members celebrate the work of the men and women who serve as leaders of the flock. Pastors may appear as though they are so strong they do not need prayer. But I can assure you, any pastor genuinely called to the ministry knows he or she needs prayer; earnest, passionate, and effective prayer. So pray for him or her daily.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month.   Believers should pray for their pastor and all pastors and all those who are spiritual leaders in the fivefold ministry. Pastors and other spiritual leaders need our prayers. It is a biblical principle to pray for pastors and others in spiritual authority over us. ( 1 Timothy 2:1-2) Paul asked the church to pray for Him. (1 Thess 5:25, Col. 4:3) Our prayers for the spiritual leaders enable them to perform the ministry God has called them to serve. I challenge you to write a prayer for your Pastor and send it to him or just pray.

Without the prayer support, pastors are more vulnerable to the wiles of the devil. It is for our own benefit to pray that God will make your pastor a great leader and teacher (See 1 Tim 2:1-4)
One of the most effective ways you can minister to your pastor is to pray for his personal and spiritual needs.

Praying For Your Pastor is very important. They are serving God and the attacks of the enemy are non -ceasing. They must be covered in prayer on a daily basis. Here are a couple of suggestions to encourage your Pastor.
1. Put a picture of your pastor(s) in your church prayer room to remind people to pray.
2. Distribute copies of your pastor’s preaching text to adult Sunday school classes so they can pray for the Word to go forth with power and authority before he preaches.
3. Ask church members to write prayers based on Scriptures and mail them to the pastor as an encouragement.
4. Write a short prayer for Your Pastor. October is Pastor Appreciation Month

5 Specific Ways to Pray for Your Pastor
Pray for your pastor to be:
1. Filled with the knowledge of God’s will
The will of God does not inflate a pastor’s ego, but it enlightens us to do what God wills for us to do.
Father, give my pastor the full knowledge of Your will in all things at all times, personally and for our church.

2 .Filled with all spiritual wisdom
Pastors will view life from one of two perspectives: The world or the Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit will always lead a pastor to the Word of God and the will of God. The Spirit of God will lead a pastor to view life and ministry from God’s perspective, not his own. His perspective will determine his decision making.
Heavenly Father, fill my pastor with Your wisdom and perspective about all things in his life, in our church, and in this world.

3. Filled with spiritual understanding
Spiritual understanding is the experience of seeing the facts and hearing the needed information, but being able to put these things together biblically, spiritually, and practically. A pastor’s leadership and decision making will be determined by the level of his spiritual understanding about whatever is before him.
Lord Jesus, fill my pastor with spiritual understanding that will help him put facts and information together biblically, spiritually, and practically.

4.  Walk worthy of the Lord
God wants his people, especially God-called pastors, to live in a way that is worthy of Him. Pastors represent the Lord everywhere they go. Pastors cannot say one thing, but live a different way. Walking worthy always leads to pleasing God and bearing fruit in every way in life.
Oh Lord, empower my pastor to walk in a way that would exemplify You to all persons, pleasing You in all ways, and bearing fruit in every way before others

5. Strengthened with God’s power
Pastors should be full of spiritual vitality. Pastors need the spiritual strength to overcome the challenges of each day in ministry. Submission to God daily will lead to God’s power. This power is so strong that a pastor is able to endure stress and suffering that ministry brings. It is so powerful that he will refuse to retaliate in any way toward difficult people and circumstances. It is even so strong that he will live life and do ministry with true joy that overflows with thanksgiving to God. Every pastor needs this kind of power.
Oh God, strengthen my pastor with Your power that fills him with spiritual life daily, including the difficult days of life and ministry; and leading him to persevere with joy and thanksgiving.

Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader ( Portions of the way to pray was by Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church)